in one place
Up-to-date, reliable, and accurate crop protection and seeds data are available within seconds on a unified platform.
All the agro regulatory data you need
A vital industry
Agro-defense and Seed companies are crucial to the health and productivity of Brazilian and global agribusiness.
These companies not only operate in an industry with a complex regulatory process, but also face an environment where data is scattered across multiple government sites. Collecting and organizing this data creates extra effort and pressure for the regulatory affairs departments to both monitor their own processes and communicate this data to the rest of the company.
All data. One platform.
Move is a company specialized in data gathering, treatment, storage and availability using cutting-edge technologies in information processing.
In 2019 we created a platform that organizes and concentrates all the agro regulatory data from Brazil and some countries in Latin America. Since 2022, EFSA and EPA data are available as well. Our main focus is to increase the productivity of the teams by eliminating the complexity to obtain and analyze data.
On the Move platform finding labels by any word takes seconds. Any word written in a label can be searched. Your search can also be refined by filtering company, active ingredient, crop, etc. Want more? Download your search results in Excel with one click.
How much time do you spend researching
On the Move platform finding out what happened in the history of a registration takes seconds. Your search can also be refined by filtering company, active ingredient, crop, etc. Download the label and/or certificate instantly. Want more? Download your search results in Excel with one click.
How much time do you spend researching
registration records?
On the Move platform you receive in your e-mail everything that matters the most from the Official Gazette of the day. All the information is organized within the e-mail without the need to click on anything else. You can also create and maintain a "radar" with keywords or important terms for your company and receive the personalized result by e-mail and in excel.
How much time do you spend researching
the Official Gazette?
On the Move platform several dashboards allow you to quickly answer frequently asked questions, such as "what is the average queue time?" , "what is the impact of priority on queue time?", "how many soybean insecticides of active ingredient 'x' were requested in the last six months?"
How long it takes you to answer
on regulatory intelligence questions?
On the Move platform several dashboards allow you to quickly answer frequently asked questions, such as "which competitors are applying for or obtaining registrations with the same active ingredients as ours?" , "which new mixtures are being requested registration?", "who is receiving import permits? , Where are these importers geographically?"
How long it takes you to answer
on competitive intelligence?
Na plataforma Move vários painéis permitem responder rapidamente a perguntas mais frequentes, tais como "quais fontes tem registros ativos com o ingrediente atixo 'x'?" , "com que empresas essas fontes trabalham hoje?", "Que produtos técnicos e formulados estão associados a quais fontes?", "Há 'concentração' de registros em alguma fonte para o ingrediente ativo 'x'?"