Brazil - Seeds & Traits
For seeds, important analyses on an extensive database of seeds and cultivars, with data on their intellectual property protection (SNPC) and their recommendations per crop for Climate Risk Zoning.
In biotechnology, search tools integrate 18+ years of CTNBio documents, making it possible to find them in seconds. E-mail alerts keep staff abreast of new publications in the Official Gazette. Analytical tools investigate the average time of processes.
Analytic Dashboards
An online tool that allows you to analyze and cross-reference information to gain insights into regulatory and competitive processes. Examples:
What are the main Traits and Cultivars registered? What is the evolution over the years?
What is the average approval timeline?
A tool that allows you to find, by any word and in a few seconds, 18+ years of CTNBio documents that are currently scattered or difficult to consult:
Meetings, Agendas, Deliberations, Opinion Extracts, Prior Extract, Orders and Notices
Sent daily by e-mail, their main function is to keep the teams up to date with important information published in the D.O.U. and/or other sources of information. Examples:
New entries in RNC
Competitor product registration requests or grants
Follow-up movements in monitored processes
Where is the data coming from?
The National Register of Cultivars is the source that contains all permissions for the production and commercialization of seeds and seedlings in Brazil
The National Service for the Protection of Cultivars contains the cultivars that are guaranteed protection of their intellectual property
The EMBRAPA's Agricultural Climate Risk Zoning is a base that indicates the planting/sowing dates or periods by crop and by municipality, considering the characteristics of the climate, the type of soil, and the cycle of cultivars.
The National Technical Commission for Biosafety produces the database of technical opinions concerning the authorization for activities involving research and commercial use of GMOs and their by-products